A downloadable game

There's this special kind of game I've played with a few friends in the past year. I'll give them a playlist for a character I created for an RPG or script, but I won't tell them anything about that character. I'll then ask them to tell me what they think the character is like, based purely on the songs I've chosen. It's fun to see what each person thinks of the music, and how they try to apply some kind of story to it.

PlayTwist does the same kind of thing, only much more chaotically. Players create a randomized playlist, with some valuable guidance from the token bag of Spotify music buzzwords. Then, they work backwards and try to tell a story or describe a character from the random-ass song collection they just put together. 

Complete instructions are in the attached PDF.  Have fun storytelling, learning about new music, or just vibing!


PlayTwist.pdf 50 kB

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